Laurie joined the agency part-time in 2021 after being asked by Dean to come and be a part of the team. She’s Dean’s wife and helps with the CSA team for the Agency. When Laurie is not in the office, there is a good chance she is working at St. Vincent’s Heart Hospital, her other part-time job. Laurie has been in nursing for over twenty years and loves being a cardiac care nurse.
Laurie graduated from Indiana University Kokomo in 1995 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing.
Anything in common with Dean? The one thing Laurie has in common with Dean is their love of God!
In her free time, Laurie absolutely loves being a mother to four adult children, and a grandmother to five grandkids.
Here’s a note from Laurie:
Little did I know that over 39 years ago, when I met Dean Ballenger, I would be working as a part-time Customer Service Advisor for the agency starting in June 2021. I’ve had the honor of watching Dean’s business grow over the years and am now so honored to serve alongside Dean and his team serving our clients!Growing up out west in the mountains and the desert, both will always hold a special place my heart. But moving to Indiana over thirty years ago, and rasing our family here, Indiana has become my home.
Dean & I have four grown children who so far have blessed us with five grandchildren. If I’m asked who my favorite grandchild is, I would have to say Sam because he was our first grandchild. But wait, it would have to be Grace because she is our first granddaughter. But wait, it would have to be Zoe because she has the curliest hair. But wait, maybe now it’s Nora because she’s the youngest. But wait, there is a new youngest, Nora’s little brother Lincoln. Oh well, being the Gma that I am, I would have to say that they are ALL my favorites, and I get to answer, “All of them!”
Laurie is a follower of Christ and her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:8-9. It says, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Put into practice whatever you have learned, received, heard from me, or seen in me. And the God of peace will be with you.”

Disney World with their kids and grandkids.